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26 септември 2005


Какво се прави, когато искаш да кажеш/напишеш нещо, а устата/пръстите остават безмълвни?
Скриваш се. И чакаш да ... знам ли и аз какво чакам.
Пак побеснях... за нищо.

2 коментара:

vlad каза...

All alone beside myself
All alone beside myself
And I’ve troubles on my mind

And I’ve reached the depths of life
And I hear that deaths alright
Still I’ll wait for you to try

When the dreams have been and gone
And the torment has begun
My emotions run

Can’t get by with what I’ve got
Always dwell on what I’ve lost
Just a loaded gun

On the floor I crawl and writhe
As the day turns into night
I remove myself from sight

Sis каза...

It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word